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Comment cacher une caméra de chasse pour des prises de vue discrètes et réussies

How to hide a hunting camera for discreet and successful shots

Nature has wonderful surprises and unique moments in store for us. To capture them, hunting cameras, like our CamoCapture WildShot™ , are invaluable allies.

However, it is important to hide them so as not to disturb the animals and to obtain natural shots.

In this article, we give you some tips for hiding your hunting camera.

Choose a strategic location

To capture the best images, choose a location frequented by the animals, such as waterholes, paths or feeding areas. Position the camera so that it covers a wide area (with its 120° angle the WildShot™ is ideal!).

Use natural camouflage

Take advantage of the natural elements to conceal your camera. Trees, bushes and branches are great for hiding your trail camera.

Tie it to a tree trunk with the supplied strap and adjust it so that it is secure.

Point the camera down

To avoid attracting the attention of animals, aim the camera slightly downwards. It also reduces sun glare and improves the quality of photos and videos.

Avoid human odors

Animals have a highly developed sense of smell. When installing your camera, wear gloves and avoid touching surrounding branches and leaves. Thus, you will limit human odors that can arouse the mistrust of animals.

Test motion detection

Before leaving your camera behind, make sure motion detection is working properly. The WildShot™ has a detection range of up to 15 meters, allowing you to capture animals without disturbing them.

be patient

Once your camera is hidden, leave it there for several days or even weeks. Nature takes its time and it is important to give it time to get used to the presence of the camera.

    By following these tips, you will be able to capture great wildlife images with your trail camera. If you're looking for a rugged, discreet and easy-to-use camera, CamoCapture's WildShot™ is the perfect ally for capturing nature's most incredible moments.

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